Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Virus Loves Me

Confession time. The virus that I became infected with over two weeks ago is still hanging around, in fact, the attachment it feels for me is growing stronger by the day - how sweet (I'm being sarcastic here)!

I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm not really into sympathy, in fact, I'd really prefer not to acknowledge the fact that I am still under this virus' power. I took a couple of sick days almost 2 weeks ago and felt I'd nipped this thing in the bud. Not true. I carried on with weekend plans as though I was cured. Not so.

It's not as though I've done nothing to get rid of this bug: I've eaten bowl after bowl of homemade soup, drank mug after mug of lemon echinacea tea laced with rum, popped many a vitamin c and d and Advil and.....anything else I thought might do some good.  But still that nasty virus won't budge!!!

So here is my "Song of the Week" for any of you out there who are suffering from back pain, the winter blahs, travel plan envy, yet another winter storm or just a lousy virus like me - just remember, it could always be worse.

Keep on the Sunny Side

There's a dark and a troubled side of life

But there's a bright and a sunny side too

Though we meet with the darkness and strife

The sunny side we also may view


Keep on the sunny side always on the sunny side

Keep on the sunny side of life

It will help us every day it will brighten all the way

If we keep on the sunny side of life

Oh the storm and its fury broke today

Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear

The clouds and storm will in time pass away

The sun again will shine bright and clear

Keep on the sunny side always on the sunny side

Keep on the sunny side of life

It will help us every day it will brighten all the way

If we keep on the sunny side of life

Let us greet with a song of hope each day

Though the moment be cloudy or fair

Let us trust in our Saviour always

To keep us every one in His care

Keep on the sunny side always on the sunny side

Keep on the sunny side of life

It will help us every day it will brighten all the way

If we keep on the sunny side of life

Keep on the sunny side always on the sunny side

Keep on the sunny side of life

It will help us every day it will brighten all theway

If we keep on the sunny side of life

If we keep on the sunny side of life


  1. Jane,
    You are the absolute best! I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself, but after hearing this song, well..I feel miraculously better.:)! Now for the need to take some time to really let your body fight this virus. We all get impatient with our ailments, but having two kids go through the nastiest flu I've seen, the only thing that helps is rest, rest and then, more rest. It sounds like you may have the flu as well. Take it easy, and if you need to take more time off from work, do so.

  2. And I'll add too that if you aren't feeling better soon, go see a doctor. There's nasty stuff going around and those that get it seem really affected, as Sharon said.

    Take care of yourself :-)

  3. Lovely song :) And I agree with Sharon, when your sick your sick and it's not fishing for sympathy to say so. My middle one was home from school Wed, Thurs, and Friday because he was and still is sick. This is one nasty bug going around. Take care of yourself.

  4. It's that time of year! Sorry to say it, but working in schools will do that to you, wouldn't you agree? I don't mean to blame the kids for this nastiness, but in my experience, the worst creepy-crud germs emanate from the hallowed halls of our educational institutions.

    Try some hot, strong GREEN tea. Tastes bad; good for you! Feel better soon.

  5. Jane your body is screaming at you, are you deaf ????
    Woman you need to slow down, I,m 100% in agreeance with Sharon, you need rest.
    Another sick day may be in order....

  6. Jane,

    I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.
    I hope you get better soon.
    Your blog is amazing. I read it every day. Your writing style is wonderful and I look forward to seeing new pictures.
    I also must say that I love your hair.

  7. oh no! you totally need to slow down & get your rest so that you can beat this thing!!!


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