Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hump Day

Well it's Hump Day and we're coasting downhill to the weekend. Can't say anything bad about that! I gave myself the night off last night, didn't post, didn't read, didn't work and in bed shortly after 8pm! I have a magic cure for insomnia if anyone needs one. Not that I had insomnia last night but this strategy puts me to sleep in minutes, perhaps seconds. I had roughly 8.5 hours of sleep last night which for someone who gets up at 5am everyday is miraculous and very welcome.

My strategy you ask? First of all it's free. Once my Kindle bit the dust I started using a Kindle app on my iPad.  It has several advantages over the Kindle - I find the screen easy to read and who doesn't like turning pages with just a touch?  And, with my iPad I can download, for free, any ebook in the Ontario Library system and the PEI Library system. From the comfort of my recliner, couch or bed to boot!

When I was struck down for a month last January with a pinched nerve and all I could do was lay on the floor and listen to audio ebooks on my iPad I accidentally discovered that if I listened to a story being read to me by a man (doesn't work with a woman for some reason - I think a study should be done to determine why) with an English accent I quickly fall asleep. At first I was really annoyed because I'd be sleeping and the reader would still be reading away oblivious to the fact that his listener was sawing logs!! So the next time I wanted to listen to more of the audio ebook I'd have to backtrack through the chapters to find my place wasting precious reading time.

When it kept happening over and over again I finally had a brainwave (yes, I get one of those from time to time)! If I was having trouble sleeping I could put myself to sleep - NO PROBLEM! After awhile I didn't even care what the book was about! It's like a powerful sleeping pill that has NO side effects, costs me nothing, and works like a charm every time. Should I patent this idea do you think?

So now I have books I actually read and audio ebooks that knock me right out! It's so awesome!

Other newsy notes:

  • Judy asked me how Kazi did at her interview - well she did really well and is going back tomorrow for a second interview. She's not sure about the job because it requires daily use of design software that she is only kind of familiar with and doesn't really enjoy using. I told her to go anyway just to see how difficult it would be. She could always take another course or perhaps her level of skill would be enough. So she's going.
  • AND she had another interview today with a different company!! That also involved her waiting by her phone as she had to speak with a person from Quebec to prove how fluent she is in french. She did really well and is now waiting to see if she'll get called back for a 2nd interview. 
  • If that wasn't enough she is leaving on Friday for 3 weeks in Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She let both companies know about this - she feels if she doesn't do it now she'll have to wait 35 years (like me) while she has her career (and hopefully a family :) before she'll have time to travel again.  
  • If those interviews don't pan out she still has her 2 part-time jobs to come back to. She has it all planned out.
  • So guess who's driving her to Toronto Pearson airport Friday afternoon?? YUP - you guessed it - I HATE with a passion driving around huge airports but I'll do it for my Kazi! 
How was YOUR humpday??


  1. Your hump day was LOADS better than mine, that's for sure.
    The high point here was going to the grocery store...lolz
    I'll keep my appendages crossed that Kazi gets the job she wants most.

  2. Great tip for insomnia.
    Will have to find a handsome brit to read to me in bed!

  3. Who knew a Brit could be so useful?? What a great find! ... And great decision by Kazi to keep her travel plans. Really, don't we all wish we had thrown caution to the wind when we were young and unencumbered? Happy hump day!

  4. Yes, I did it all wrong - right into work after school, oh well. Hopefully I can travel at least once a year when I retire.

  5. I'm really looking forward to many trips once I retire - there are so many places I would like to go to I don't know where to start!

  6. I haven't been many places either but hope to have at least 1 trip per year once I retire. There are so many places I want to go - Europe and beyond. I know a really nice place in Canada you could visit!!

  7. hopefully the weather will be good when you drive up to Toronto. Tell her to have a lovely time, lucky girl. Also tell her good luck with the job interviews. Driving past the airport today on the way to see our daughter and Miss Nora.....

  8. Maybe if he had a boring English accent, I could sleep. If he sounded sexy, there would be no way.
    I'm glad to hear that Kazi has some awesome plans. Seems like everything is getting sorted by you. I'm glad.

  9. I'll be very sad when my current audio e-book expires, not that I am enjoying the plot as I have no idea what the books is about, but because the reader's voice is so soothing it has worked like a charm in putting me to sleep!

  10. East bound lanes on 401 closed between Woodstock and Cambridge due to a crash involving 3 transport trucks so we had to go "cross country" for awhile. Thank goodness we left in good time!

  11. I really want to get a dog when I retire but I hesitate because I also want to travel. I don't want to board a dog for 2-3 weeks each time I go somewhere so I may wait til I'm like 90 and can't travel anymore. I don't know, I'm torn.


Thank you for your comment - it means a lot to me that you read my post and are leaving a comment - you just made my day!