Monday, January 9, 2012

Winter Camping in a Yurt - Day Three

Yes, the saga ends tonight! Tomorrow I'm going to talk about my love affair....... with pads of paper! AND how to spend and still have a NO SPEND DAY!! Ooooh, that's a good one!!

So here's the last of the photos from the Yurt adventure:
A wee bit of sunshine struggling to get
through the grey clouds. Mmmmmuch
colder today - down to -18c!

Before you think we're getting
all mushy here, I was a bit of
a grumpus because it was so
ccccccold and Michael was all
gungho about going for another
100 mile hike. Sometimes I just can't
handle his high level of gungho-ness!
This is how he
tries to improve my mood!
Pretty underhanded
wouldn't ya say?

Where all had been open water yesterday
is now covered with a thin veneer of ice
and snow - would NOT want to fall into
the river or the lake today!

We took a different trail but then drove
down the road a ways so we could go to
the lake again - lots of wave action again
today - I don't know HOW cold it was with
the wind chill.

Inviting no?
No sand today - just lots of ice formations!

Because of the size of the waves and the
frigid temperatures everything
within 20 - 30 feet of the shoreline was
now coated with ice!

Just hanging around trying to stay warm!

Lumpy ice is nice!

I felt sorry for the long grasses -
they were frozen solid!

Won't be long now til the river is all
covered with ice.

A very different shoreline
than yesterday! Everything
is frozen solid.

As we were walking back to the car we
came across a family feeding the chickadees!
So I joined in and Michael snapped a few
pictures. I tried it without my mitts but
my hand froze within seconds.
But the birds didn't mind my mitts.
So was I glad that Michael dragged my
butt out for a hike - YES!!
Just an example of the pros and cons
of living with a life coach - ya just
can't get away with being a grumpus!
Look - two chickadees!
Gotta go, going to finally finish watching
"Couples Retreat"!!
Don't ya just love Vince Vaughn?
Ya sure wouldn't catch him on a
100 mile hike!!


  1. I'm so far behind in your life. Sorry. I've been trying to keep up around here, damn kids wanting food and all.
    Um Burrrrrrrrr, that would kill me! Just cuddle and snuggle and you should stay warm.

  2. Great, pictures of the chickadees. I admire you, I cannot handle the cold at all. I used to be able to but I really struggle when it is below freezing. I hate that about me. You gotta love the daughters if you didn't you would kill them!

  3. so fun! looks like a great time - beautiful photos too! thanks for sharing!

  4. Love the pictures Jane! It does look awfully cold, but it looks like Micheal can keep you warm. :)

  5. Love the sweet chickadee pics!! SOO sweet! Reminds me, I really need to buy bird feed!

    Couples retreat was hilarious.. I love the "shark bite" part.. Hahaha!!!

  6. You got those birds eating right out of the palm of your hand.
    Pretty pictures, you big grump!

  7. I do enjoy your photos, Jane! What a trip!
    What's next on the agenda?


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