Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Biking from London, ON to Alberton, PE (1902 kms)

Meet my bike. Well, my brand of bike but not MY bike, though I kind of wish it was because I am coveting the hardware on those cupboards! I wonder whose house it is?  Maybe I can wangle an invite...

Woops, back to the point. I've been reading a lot about setting goals lately, go figure, and I've decided to create some sort of goal for my recumbant exercise bike riding to give it some relevance by having a destination. So...I've decided I am going to ride my bike all the way to my new home near Alberton, Prince Edward Island!!  All 1902 kilometres although minus the slush, the snow and the traffic as I'll be staying cozy, safe and somewhat sweaty - in my bedroom at home.

I've calculated on my well-worn calculator that if I bike 15kms for 5 days a week I will reach my destination in PE by the end of June, just in time to actually DRIVE there for my summer vacation:)!!:) I've already biked 30kms in the past two days so already I'm down to 1872 kms. In the spring I prefer to get outside on my road bike so will figure out some way to measure the distances that I ride.

This is so exciting - I feel much more motivated now that I have somewhere to go! Even if it is just in my imagination....for now! I'll be sure to take some pictures along the way! But meanwhile you can check on my progress in the sidebar, just above my personal finance goals and weight loss goal:p


  1. You are so motivated and organized Jane! I love it!! By the way... what is the conversion from km to miles?? It sounds like you are going a long distance.. but I don't really know how far it is. :)

    Keep pedaling girl!!!

  2. That's a great idea, Jane!! :) Will definitely help you reach your goal!

  3. that's an awesome goal! I read somewhere last year about walking across the US or something but never got around to doing it.


  4. I love it. Goals like this are so fun to do and complete. Good luck to you.

  5. What a brilliant idea, can,t wait to see what kind of photos you can take on your journey. I have a bike as well but the only thing it is doing just now is holding up a couple of spiders webs.

  6. That's a great way to set a fitness goal...I may pinch it!

    Enjoy your journey :)

  7. Hey, what a fantastic idea! The best kind of motivation. Here's to your 'journey'!

  8. Thanks for your support everyone!
    Lisa: I'm not really that organized, I just like statistics:) BTW 1902 kms = 1182 miles.

  9. 1182 miles... that's a lot of pedaling!!! You can do it!!

  10. Jane,
    You really want to have fun biking these km to P.E.I.
    Download a map or maybe you even have one and mark off the KM on the map that you bike every day with a push pin. You can actually visually see yourself move and the goal become more of a reality.
    I did this from P.E.I. to Toronto and it really pushed me to ride more KM each day just to see the pin move. Yes I completed my goal in a shorter time frame while losing weight.

  11. Witch - I LOVE that idea!! Thank you!! I'm sure I have a large map of Canada at school - I'll look tomorrow. You're brilliant!

  12. Great motivational idea!!!
    I'm trying to get back into walking. I have an 8km loop that I used to be able to do in about 50 min. I think I'll look at is as a stroll on the beaches of PEI.


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