Monday, November 14, 2011

First Stop - Toronto!

Hey Sarah! I should be arriving in Toronto later this week! Once I finish this post I'll be heading to the basement for at least another 15km on my stationary bike! When I get there (Toronto, not the basement) I hope you can suggest a couple of fun FREE activities and tell me what you LOVE about Toronto!

Toronto gets a bad rap from the rest of Canada for some is the city everyone loves to hate! I don't get it personally, it's a city where multi-culturalism thrives, I think it's beautiful and who doesn't like to shop in Kensington Village! I took my daughter there for her first prom dress and she found a second-hand black strapless number with a short poufy skirt for $20! She paired it with a pair of black converse running shoes and navy blue hair! (She had a brief goth period...thankfully it only lasted a couple of months!)

Many of you have said you would join me on a leg of my journey. I will continue to post in my sidebar what my next destination is and how many km. til I get there. You will need to choose which part you would like to join in on, how you're going to join in (stationary bike, treadmill, walking outside, jogging etc but NO DRIVING!!) and how you're going to track it. It's easy with my bike as it tracks my mileage but something else I do is set up walking routes outside and then drive it once to see the distance. Or, invest in a pedometer:)  Whatever works for you!

Monday night is girls night around here. My daughter coerced me to watch an episode of Gossip Girls with her one night and so now of course I'm hooked.  So while she relaxes on my bed and stuffs herself I'll be pedaling away like the Wicked Witch of the EAST!  "I'll get you my pretty...yes, you and your little dog too...cackle cackle...!" I swear I'm losing it! Today was a rough day - two EAs away so I was juggling staff all day while I was also trying to prepare for a big meeting. It wasn't pretty. A good brisk bike ride will do me good. Or...I could drive over to Dairy Queen for a blizzard...I find when I'm stressed I turn to food, not just any food, oh no, it has to be "bad for me" food. Fortunately there isn't any to be had in the house and generally my overall laziness keeps me from actually making a trip to go get some. Ok, I'm going to try and be good - it's off to exercise I go!

What's your favorite treat to indulge in? I have many: black licorice, icecream, Vector cereal, chocolate, sweettarts, Reisens, sour keys, popcorn.....


  1. Well with my bum ankle I can either use a scooter or a wheelchair when you get to philly. I am sooooo excited


  2. I would join you in your trek but I hate to sweat. Plus, I live in the U.S. and don't even know what a km is. It sounds like something Fred would say and try to convince me that it's real. You foreigners are exhausting.
    Your Friend, m.

  3. I love Toronto! It's a blast to visit, just wouldn't want to live there is all.. ;) My favourite treat... chocolate. Yum!!

  4. Oh wow, did I miss the schedule somewhere? When do you think you will be reaching where? I need to make sure I can go out there and meet you! (Though we will most likely be walking if you make it to DC or I go up to VA on the weekend...) Tons of free activities in the capital.

  5. uh oh I guess I better see how far it is to Judy's and start walking! Colorado sounds nice too but you can peddle faster than I can walk! yep that oughta take my mind off other stuff if I start planning my trip(s)!

  6. WAH! it's 1579 miles from me to Judy! sheesh even if I walked 2 miles a day it'll take me over a year to get there...I guess I'll have to figure out something else or count 1000 miles per mile LOL!

  7. free things in TO! You have to bike ride in to High Park; around the playground, the pool, tennis courts and rink. Than down the hill past the green houses and the Grenadier Restaurant, down the hill some more past the pond and than back up to Colborne Lodge. Ride a long the lake shore to Ontario Place and the EX. You have to stop into Queen's Park its very interesting. On your way out to the east end of the city make sure you stop at the Cadbury factory and sample the mini-eggs right of the line.

  8. There is an online map tracker for walking/biking etc... it's great. You just zoom into your city and location that you did your exercise and map it out. Super easy.

    I also turn to the bad for me foods! Cadbury Mini Eggs.... oh you tasty, little, crunchy, pieces of goodness. Well anything chocolate really... or sugar in general. Bad Little Lamb, Bad!

  9. Your biking makes me tired! I'm proud of you. How about I use my free tickets and just fly by you as you ride places?

  10. Your biking makes me tired! I'm proud of you. How about I use my free tickets and just fly by you as you ride places?

  11. My favorite treat for me is white chocolate macadamia nut cookie dough. It is sooooo good!

    I hope work gets better for you and not so stressful.

    When you get to my neck of the woods, I will get my walking shoes on :)

  12. I ate an entire chocolate orange yesterday (bought for the kids stockings) and I didn't exercise at all. You make me feel bad.....actually the chocolate orange made me feel bad.

  13. Well I started running this week. I will have a total at the end of the week. It is kind of slow going. I have to get a head start. So now I feel like you will actually be chasing me.
    Plus I have to convert our wacky miles to kilometers. :)

  14. have fun in toronto!

    I love Gossip girl!!!! ;) hehe..

  15. Oh also I ran 17km on the weekend so add that to your "get to TO" total. :)

    And Sarah WHERE is that Cadbury factory???? I NEED to visit it!!!m LOL

  16. I'll have to get a pedometer this week so I can keep track, happy cycling, I'm looking forward to hearing all about Toronto

  17. Jane,
    You are really peddling your buns off. Way to go!
    My favorite snacks right now is Chester's cheese popcorn. BUT....
    I love black licorice, real fruit dried out gummy bears, apples with a fresh dip caramel sauce, all left over Halloween mini chocolate bars(yup I purchased too many),

  18. T.O. is the center of the universe to Canucks. We hate it b/c we can but the shopping, well just in time for Xmas Jane . Clever girl!

  19. Crap. I'm already behind. I will be walking/jogging this route, but Jane 15 kil.??? That's 9.32 miles!! Holy moly.

    All those who don't go my kil. can find the conversions here:

    Okay, I have a stressful day ahead of me, so I'll eat some chocolate first (my fav. snack) and then get on the treadmill later on. I'm thinking I'll only get to 5 kil (3 miles) but at least it's a start, right?


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