Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Too Tired for Words

Last night was one of those "catch up on sleep" nights. Not that I've been staying up late or anything, well I guess the concert on Monday night did go past my bedtime. 
 But it was definitely worth it. Oh yes, most definitely:)

Yesterday I had two meetings - one with a difficult parent and one with my staff. I was a little anxious about both of them but I was very well prepared AND backed up by my dep't head. Both meetings went way better than expected so I was quite elated at the end of the school day.
So I decided to celebrate and got a free copy of the National Post from the main office and went home, put my feet up and read the paper from cover to cover. Oh yeah, I know how to partee!!
 Then, as if that wasn't enough excitement I took some movies back to the library and borrowed a few more.  I know I know how much better can it get?!?
 After riding my bike for 45 minutes I popped in a movie, tucked myself up in bed around 8:30 and promptly fell into a deep sleep - what a luxury!
 I tell you, I've seen the first half of more movies than you can shake a stick at but I don't know how any of them end!!
Today my baby girl turns 21 years old. I took her to see Keith Urban, bought her a fall jacket, a Shopper's Drugmart gift card, an umbrella and a 4G flash drive (she won't have to borrow mine anymore:), all funded from my gift account! How great does THAT feel!!

Tonight she is going out to dinner and a club with friends and then tomorrow night Michael and I are taking her out to dinner. I am excited about tomorrow - it will be my first pay with my new raise on it!! I will finally be able to complete September's budget and tally up my spending. I hope it doesn't turn out that I've overspent this month, but it certainly is possible as September is the second most expensive time of the year for me.

Have a wonderful "hump day" today. I'll be catching up with you all after work!


  1. Happy Birthday to your precious "little" one!
    Question, after riding your bike for 45 minutes and before tucking yourself into bed, you did take a shower, right? Please say "yes"!

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Sounds like a GREAT one!!!

    It's always a wonderful feeling to already have the money for something FUN!

    I'm anxiously awaiting my double oven (although I haven't really paid for it yet!) Time to start roasting veggies and roasts and trying my hand at some bread!

    I'll be happier, though, when it is paid off!

  3. Sounds like you have a great week planned! Glad you had a good time at the concert! :) September adds up for us too!

  4. It must be a huge switch going from extended vacation to full time work days. Hard enough for me when I've been gone from work a week, I have a hard time getting my head back in the game. No wonder you're tired!

  5. sounds great! I love the library too - that's a big part of my 'social life' LOL! I get movies from there sometimes but mainly books books books!
    you gotta ease back into things - you've spent the summer in heaven and now you're back to alarm clocks and work work work *blech*!

  6. Happy Birthday to Kazi! I hope she has a great day :)

    PS. I love Keith Urban, very jealous!

  7. Happy birthday to your daughter!!! Anna is turning 20. I feel old.
    And congrats on the raise and sleep, you deserve them both!

  8. happy birthday dd!!! so sweet! glad your meetings went better then you thought!!!

  9. Jane, I glad that your "baby" had a good birthday and you both enjoyued the concert!

    Work, I'm happy that your meetings went well. I have the utmost respect for teachers, it is not an easy job! One more sleep and it's the week-end!

  10. Hey, just caught up on your latest posts!
    Sounds like a great week - congrats on your weight loss - keep it up! (or down, should I say)
    And lucky Kazi getting spoiled! Well, it's not every day you turn 21!


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