Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Miss Gulch

Soooooooooo now that it's getting rather NIPPY out there I'm back on my "inside" bike and my lovely Miele road bike is in storage for the winter. I can't describe how much I miss being out on my bike...there is such a sense of childlike freedom in whizzing along the streets. Inside I feel young and carefree, my legs feel strong and invincible.  I have to laugh when I catch a glimpse of myself in a store window as on the outside I look more like Miss Gulch, though a lot less miserable!

One thing I've managed to do for myself while Michael has been away is get into a better routine when I get home from work. Because he does the cooking when he's here I would find myself on my computer just whiling (wasting) away the time until dinner was ready. Or I'd get my nose in a book (nose in a book on my iPad just doesn't conjure up the same image does it?) and lose track of time. The longer I put off exercise the less I wanted to do it and the more creative I got with my excuses to avoid it. Exercise? But there's a documentary about food additives I just have to watch!! Exercise? I have to rearrange the canned goods in the pantry...Exercise? Who...me??

Then by the time we were finished eating dinner, chores completed we would retire to the comfort of our bed to watch something on Netflix. Exercise never entered the picture. I'm so ashamed...

I HAVE REFORMED!! That's right! I'm back in the saddle again! My goal is to peddle 12km every day, at least 5 days a week. That's a nice round 60km minimum per week. Granted the scenery isn't as nice and the wind isn't blowing through my hair but hey - I don't have much hair anyway! IF I immediately change into my workout clothes and get onto my bike before passing GO then the exercise is done and out of the way within an hour of getting home. IT WORKS!! 

I still have the map up on my wall near my stationary bike of where y'all live with my imaginary cross country journey mapped out. I didn't make it all the way, or even half the way, but it was a great dream and kept me motivated. I still contemplate doing the journey one of these days, though in a car lol! It's a sweet retirement dream. At least you know what I look like so if you see some silver-haired lady with a crewcut knocking on your door someday please let me in and feed me. I promise not to leave a mess.

Would you like me to visit YOU??


  1. 12 km a day? Yikes, I better pick up my socks. I'm faggin' after 2 km, ha ha.

  2. Go Jane, Go! How far will you get this winter?

  3. I'd love a visit, and you could probably get to my place in a day (or two at most) ;) (I'm in the North end of London) Yeah for short term goals!

  4. I was thinking about getting a treadmill and then I woke up from that nightmare. Ok fine, I'm still thinking about. You really are inspiring. YOu might get me on it.

  5. You can do it Sonya Ann! I burned out the motor of my treadmill...until that happened I used it a LOT, obviously. If they didn't take up so much space I'd get another one. I found it wasn't as hard on my knees as running outside.

  6. I like that idea! I would definitely cycle to your place!

  7. I'll keep track - that will help to motivate me - thanks for the idea!

  8. You can get farther faster on a bike (duh!)

  9. I'd better get started before we get too much snow - see you soon!


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