Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Home from the Bahamas

Someone is coming home tonight.....
 a special dinner for two...
a bottle (BIG) of wine....
 Now, if only I could find two chairs.....
in this mayhem (saluting Sonya for my new word of the day!)
 ain't gonna happen...
I guess we'll have to eat in bed!


  1. Is someone just a little bit excited?
    Jane x
    PS Have fun!

  2. Must not say dirty thought must control myself....glad he's home though :)

  3. Laura / No More SpendingNovember 21, 2013 at 1:58 AM

    Have fun lol!

  4. Mayhem and Sonya Ann-yeah that's about right. LOL
    I'm sure that everything that happened when he got home was G rated.


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