Thursday, August 30, 2018

Packing it in...


I haven't ever tried storage vacuum bags for travel before but yesterday I ordered a bunch and will give them a try. Apparently clothing placed in a vacuum bag takes up only 30% of the usual space in addition to keeping things organized.

I'm always looking for better packing methods and with less than 2 weeks to go until blastoff I'm ready to try anything!

Have you used these sorts of bags before? Did you like them? Did they save you space?


  1. I store the extra bedding in these as they stay clean and I can store in a small space under a bed. My daughter used when she moved to London for grad school. They are pretty neat.

  2. They do a great job of compressing your clothing so you gain more space and think you can pack more stuff. But with more stuff comes more weight. So be careful about that!

  3. Over here Packing cubes seem to be the way to go - everyone raves about them !

  4. We have packing cubes, hubby loves them for when he travels on business to separate things like dirty clothes and choes. My worry about the vacuum packed ones is how do you vacuum it on your return? Does it have it's own little vaccuum?

  5. I never have used one of these. However, my experience with taking a gallon bag and squeezing the air out proves to me the packing bags would work well to save room.

  6. Hm. Interesting, but I wonder about the logistics during travel as well. But a great idea! I've certainly heard about people using these for at home items like duvets, blankets, etc. Will be interested to hear how it goes! xx

  7. I used gallon bags like Linda. It helped organize clothes and saved a little room by getting the air out. I’d be afraid to vacuum pack while at home and then not be able to do it on the return. Can’t wait to read about your experiences.

  8. I've never used them but my friend who frequently flew out to Chile used them all the time and loved them. Now I'm just trying to take less and less stuff (seems to be working slightly too)!

  9. Use them all the time. Not only can you get more in your bag, but they keep everything organised, which is really useful especially if you keep moving on during a trip. If I’m staying longer, unpacking is a boon, because all I do is put the bags into drawers in my accommodation.


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