Do you ever feel the need to relax, unwind and destress at the end of a long day? I know I do. So what do you do to wash away the day's load of dirt and grime? Drink a glass or two of wine? Run a few miles on the treadmill? Call a friend and debrief about the day's problems? Do yoga, meditate, take a nap?
Not me. No, not I. My idea of destressing is to sit at my computer and do my taxes. Yes, indeedy, nothing is better than sitting down with a huge folder full of T5's, T4's, RSP receipts, charitable receipts, union fees, tuition forms etc all jammed together in a big muddle capturing my financial picture of the last seven years. I get goosebumps just thinking about it!
So you can imagine my dismay when Michael took me by my hand, led me to the couch and ordered me to put my feet up while handing me a glass of wine.
What the hell?
He said "you are home, take some time to enjoy what you have created, you deserve it. Think, sip your wine, lay down if you want to."
Again, what the hell??? I don't lay down when it's still daylight (but thanks for the wine honey.)
I sat, stiff as a board on the couch. Well, I thought....this sure is a waste of time. My tax file is sitting by the computer, I'm logged into Quick Tax, and NOTHING IS GETTING DONE!! I can't just sit here...sip...sip....precious time is slipping by and I'm doing nothing....sip.....sip....
I took a few deep breaths trying to calm my racing thoughts whilst sipping a really succulent red wine....hmmm....nice.....full-bodied....look at the colour....oh look...the sun is setting....sip....sip...
I love this couch. Took me forever to pick it out and after 15 years I still love it. Its soooo comfortable. Maybe I'll just stretch out for a few minutes....mmmmmmmmm....yeah, that's nice.
Why do I hear running water? Is he taking a shower? Sip, sip. This afghan is really warm and cozzzzzzzzzzzzzy...
Wha...?? Michael has run a bath for me....wow....I haven't had a bath in ages....just quick showers, in/out in 5 minutes. Oh my, tealights, candles, bubbles, a refilled wine glass. I could get used to this....mmmmm....so nice and warm....I'm sooooooo liking this...
Taxes schmaxes! This moment is just for me....I do deserve it:) Thanks my wild mountain honey - you do know a thing or two about a thing or two....and you always seem to know what I need. You're the best!