I thought I had my life all figured out. After a few failed relationships I decided I was a much happier (read less unhappy) person on my own. Always very independent I carried on with my career, raised my daughter, bought a trailer and made my plans to retire in 5 years on a reduced pension. Well that plan has changed to a degree. I no longer think about "life beginning at retirement" - I've decided to start living now....and living "in the now." My 5 year plan has become a 5 hour plan, sometimes even a 5 minute plan.
The structure of the plan is still in place. Money continues to be socked away, debt continues to be paid down, and I still hope to retire early in 5 years. I'm just not going to wait 5 years for my life to begin. It seems that for my entire 53 years (as of yesterday "happy birthday to me"!) I've been waiting for life to begin. When I finish highschool....when I finish university....when I make it to the top of the pay grid....when the house is paid off....when when when, never now never today.
Enough I say! Rise up, live a little, it doesn't hurt to be spontaneous once in awhile! Get off the highway and take a detour. Take the path less travelled, you might find you enjoy it more than the paved busy freeway. Explore, take a risk, take a chance, you don't have to play it safe all of the time. Instead of settling for "less unhappy" grab for the gusto, seize the moment, you only live once! (Don't quote me on that one!) All I know is I am having the time of my life and my 5 year plan isn't suffering one little bit!