Monday, April 2, 2018


My vigil for the arrival of the Kilally Meadows osprey couple has ended. On Saturday
their nest in centre field was empty...

But when I went back on Sunday (no fooling :) I could see their little heads poking up on the light standard in centre field!

They must be hardy birds - a nest of sturdy sticks just screams for a warm duvet!!

But they don't seem to mind...and imagine the COLD! My fingers were numb in the -7c temperatures with a strong wind. When they spread their wings they were really buffeted about.

The male was trying to woo his partner by performing his mating dance...

So far, she doesn't look very impressed! (she's on the right)

But surely this breakdancing move will melt her heart :)  It sure put a smile on MY face!

I recently read that although the Mr. and Mrs. stay together year after year it's more a marriage
of convenience as they have a strong instinct to return to the same location and the same nest. In a couple of weeks they should produce from 2 to 5 eggs and then Mr. will be responsible for ALL of the fishing!

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