Monday, February 27, 2017

What Day is it?

I've gotten to the point in my retirement when I wake up in the morning with no clue as to what day of the week it is! Once I'm dressed (in exercise gear) I head down to get the newspaper out of my mailbox challenging myself to figure out what day it is before I peak at the newspaper. It is a really strange feeling and even once I confirm that today is Monday it still doesn't feel any different than yesterday, which of course was Sunday.
My former desk in my former classroom!
I remember when I was working starting to feel depressed on Sunday nights as it was "back to work" the next day. Then once Wednesday was over it was all downhill from there. And the piece de resistance - FRIDAY - was just the most fantastic day ever! Now nothing much changes from day to day. I have pretty much the same routine no matter what day it is - read paper, drink coffee, eat breakfast, read blog posts, journal, ride stationary bike and read, housework, lunch, go for 5km walk (or 10km if it is nice enough to go to the forest), do errands, work outside/inside on various projects, put supper on, read, eat, watch TV and work on laptop (genealogical research, trip planning), go to bed and read or listen to an audiobook whilst sipping my wee dram.

It's a good life.

I've come to the conclusion that I am an adventuress. Sam over at Sam, Money, Coffee and Thyme mentioned me and my travel adventures in her post today and is looking forward to my trip to Scotland later this year. It makes me happy to think others take pleasure in my trips and I hope that when you get as old as I am that you'll go to all of those places you've dreamed about. When I was a young student my favourite lessons were about the Explorers - Sir Francis Drake, Vasco da Gama, Diaz, Amundsen and all the polar explorers etc. and one of the things I wonder about as I trudge along a lengthy trail is who has walked this path before me.  A Roman army? An Explorer? A Benedictine monk? An ancestor?
Sir Francis Drake
I happened across a book - not sure where I got it from - called "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry" by Rachel Joyce about a man who walks from Kingsbridge on the southern coast of England all the way to Berwick-upon-Tweed on the northern border with Scotland. It is a fabulous book, especially for a long distance walker like me. It is funny, inspiring and will make you cry. A true delight of a book.

This post does have a point but I need to work on my ideas a bit more. Needless to say "I got plans baby"!! Lots of travel guides being delivered this week. Ancestors are also involved as I renewed my membership. My feet, new and familiar places, epic journeys - all tied together in a theme. It is all percolating inside of me...and it's going to be amazing!

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