Friday, February 5, 2016

Foto Friday

A few snowflakes floated down today but they melted as soon as they hit the ground. It was pretty and slightly more seasonal.

What was happening a year ago today I wonder? Let's look and see.

There was a LOT more snow!  We have none at the moment except for the melting piles in mall parking lots.

We averaged about -20c for 3 weeks so the kittens cuddled together to stay warm.

"Excuse me Luna but you can you snuggle a little closer?"

I was out on the trail so this is before I hurt my back.

I was having fun playing with filters!

The bridge in Kilally Meadows was above water.

 This is the same bridge! I took this photo on Wednesday when it was +14c!! The previous record high was around 7c!  No, I didn't bother crossing to the other side!

 Very wintery!

It won't be long after this hike that I'm laying on my back all day from an injury...but at least I'm still smiling at the point! I am so thankful that I've recovered from that injury and the accompanying anxiety and depression.

Appreciate your health!!

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