Friday, October 19, 2012

I'm not dead...

I just look like I am!
This is the first Friday night since school started that I haven't crawled into bed at 8pm.  Nope, here it is, 8:50pm and Michael and I are sitting at Starbucks catching up on our social media sites. But not for much longer. We'll soon be heading home as Michael has a training session tomorrow morning in food handling. He is working as a youth support worker and its just one of many certifications he has to acquire.
Me, well I am still working about 70 hours a week but can see the light at the end of the hallway ....sorta.  By the time I get home each day my brain is totally empty and I go through the motions of getting myself ready for the next work day and creep between the covers with a book. I last about 5 minutes and then turn off the light.
I have much to tell you about and really miss you guys! I hope, in time, I can become more regular in my posting but I'm not going to make any promises to post 3 or 5 times a week or anything.  But I will make a comeback, you CAN count on that!

Happy weekend my friends!


  1. I'm so glad to see this post! I was thinking of you today, Jane! I hope things settle down for you soon! ((hugs))

  2. Okay I was just thinking as I was driving to the studio this afternoon. Where is Jane? I wonder if she id okay. I figured it was a too busy once school started and I was right but I sure miss you.


  3. louise@eliminatedebtOctober 19, 2012 at 10:32 PM

    good to hear all is well, and we all need our beauty sleep!

  4. Great to hear from you! The summer just flew by, didn't it?

  5. Glad you are doing well! Take care of you Jane!!

  6. Northern Living AllowanceOctober 20, 2012 at 1:22 PM

    Nice to hear from you, Jane! I was thinking about you the other day, and figured you were a "bit" busy! ;) Hope things settle down shortly and you'll be able to update us once in a while. x

  7. Glad to know your still with us...LOL I'm impressed that you make it till 8pm.

  8. So glad to hear from you Jane and know that you're okay, although completely beat. This school year must really be something else to have you so exhausted.

  9. I was blog hopping and was intrigued by your blog title. I like your philosophy - too many people think they have to wait for retirement to start doing everything they've always wanted to do. I follow your philosophy - we need to live in the present, not keep looking to the future.

  10. glad you're well and only busy. Try and take a breather every now and then.


  11. I'm sorry about all the work overload but I'm glad work is the only thing that keeps you away from blogging:)

  12. Hi Jane! So glad to hear everything is well. I so understand the whole busy thing...I'm hoping that you find some time just for you soon! :)!

  13. Oh, I totally understand how you feel. Teaching is so exhausting. There isn't alot left at the end of the day, is there?

    Sft x

  14. Hi Jane I don't know how you do a 70 hour week I do 4 days a week + my website and my grandchild and I am totally exhausted. But I totally agree I maybe 68 but I really enjoy life and will never retire


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